UAW Local 2320
Government: It's Everyone's Business
Updated On: Aug 15, 2008

    Union members should be proud of the many positive contributions the labor movement has made to good law, government, and safe and healthy communities through political education and political action.

    Unions helped establish free public schools and abolish debtors prision.  They were instrumental in promoting the 40-hour work, the minimum wage and in ending child labor.

    They worked for laws to make union organization and collective bargaining the politicy of the U.S. government.

    Unions fought hard for the passage of Social Security and are still invovled in retaining and improving this vital program.

    In more recent years, they have supported worker education, health and safety laws, civil rights laws, pension security and stronger protection for displaced workers.

    Unions much be active in politics becasue, whatever we say about it, government - big, medium or small - is ours.  It belongs to us - the people.  It is going to be as good or bad as we make it.

    CAP want to make ti good.  CAP believes goverment will b good if we all participate, - young and old, black, white and brown, men and women - all of us.  It is everybody's business.

    Our democractic form of government does work.  Our
UAW-CAP helps make ti work.  That is our responsibility and our challenge.  But do not kid yourself, it is your challenge, too.

  • UAW Local 2320

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