House Republicans want budget cuts
This week the U.S. House is voting on extremist budget proposals (HR 1) that would eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs and essentially shut down critical government services this fiscal year. Legal Services is on the list of programs to be eliminated. House Republicans claim it is deficit control. It’s not. It’s an all-out assault on America’s middle class, working poor and poor people. It is naked political payback to corporations who poured millions into the 2010 elections.
The AFL-CIO believes that if we don’t stop this budget insanity now, services ordinary Americans rely on every day could cease for months or fail to function at all in this fiscal year. Please sign the AFL-CIO petition The AFL-CIO will make sure that it gets to your representative.
The UAW Legislative office sent a letter to members of the House of Representatives on HR 1 saying “…the federal deficit will not be solved by cutting federal spending. It will only be solved by stimulating the economy and creating jobs so that 14 million unemployed Americans can get back to work, earn an income, pay their mortgages, make purchases, and pay taxes. Rather than cutting federal programs, Congress should be closing corporate tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift jobs overseas and should be expanding and enforcing our Buy America laws to foster a renewal of American manufacturing.”
Please check out the NOLSW website for more information regarding the Republicans’ proposed cuts, actions that NOLSW, UAW and the AFL-CIO are taking and how you can help to stop these outrageous budget cuts.