UAW Local 2320
Solidarity with Peaceful Protesters Facing Violent Backlash
Updated On: Jun 05, 2024

Our thoughts are with our SWC-UAW 2710 siblings following this May Day, after reports that Columbia University and the NYPD closed campus exits, confined students, including student journalists, to locked buildings, assaulted students, and arrested dozens of students for peacefully protesting for Palestinian Freedom. We are also in solidarity with the students and faculty at City College who were arrested on May 1. We further stand with our UAW 4811 and 4123 siblings and the brave students at the University of California and California State University systems demanding divestment from genocide and apartheid at their campuses. We condemn the violence against peaceful student protestors, including members of UAW 4811 at UCLA, by outside agitators. We disapprove of campus administrations’ shameful, reckless, and hypocritical failure to keep to keep students engaged in peaceful protests safe. After law enforcement and campus security did nothing to protect the students at the UCLA encampment, law enforcement violently raided the encampment the following night, further injuring students. To our knowledge, none of the agitators are being held accountable for their reprehensible conduct. NOLSW supports peaceful protests, and we condemn suppression of free speech and the use of violence, especially against our union siblings.

  • UAW Local 2320

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